Last I wrote, I was explaining the situation on the ground in Iraq and Syria... I'm going to continue that, but first, an update.
First, people said David Bowie died today. This is not true. David Bowie cannot die. David Bowie transcends space and time, sans Tartis
Fuck you, blue box.
No, David Bowie simply got bored of this realm of reality and left for adventures in other dimensions.
WARNING: Cannot be contained to one realm of being
We mere mortals must cope with the fact that the being known as David Bowie has left our mundane existence. We shall never forget Bowie. Thank you for blessing us with your presence in our dimension.
Back to the conflict in Syria and Iraq...
I shouldn't have to tell you this, but some of my readership is American (if not all of my readership), and this may not be very obvious to them. War is really fucked up. No one leaves war as a fully functional human being. This is something most Americans and Westerners can't understand. For them, war is voluntary. The worst they have is crime and the impending fear of terrorism. Oh, you're afraid of one bomb... funny, because you have no problem dropping them on other people and supporting groups that do the same. Weird. We haven't witnessed the utter carnage that comes with war. The devastation. The shattered hopes and dreams. In the West, unwise decisions and unfortunate circumstance prevent our goals... Little Jimmy wanted to play football for Auburn, but he hurt his knee, and that scholarship evaporated as soon as that happened. Auburn is still there. He still has other options. No one completely destroyed his home, the country's infrastructure, or most universities. The closest thing that America has to a war zone is the hood, and most people avoid helping it get better. Gentrification is waaaaaaay easier, right?
Behold! Hipster, Herald of Gentrification. Fear him for the end is near!
I really hate hipsters. I mean... I REALLY HATE HIPSTERS. Not because they dress stupid. Not because they are pretentious. It is simply because they are the vanguard of gentrification. They don't open businesses in the hood; they only live there. In fact, they usually take jobs from the people in the hood. Usually, hipsters are white. Not only are they white, but they come from upper- or middle-class backgrounds. They move into urban neighborhoods because, hey, that shit is way edgy. They don't really want the danger; they want to urban feel. Rent is cheap, too! Great shit, right? It's not like they're paying for it anyway. Mommy and daddy have that. Even if they pay for it, it's cheap. If you don't know how real estate works, let me explain it. White people means that prices go up. Nothing gets better, but the residents are just lighter skinned. Thus, the area is perceived as marginally safer. Hipsters beget more hipsters. Prices go up. Now, the people who rented and lived in the area pre-Hipstergeddon have to spend more money. Businesses in the area begin to cater to the hipsters, and you better believe that the hipsters have the edge when it comes to employment at these businesses. It's gradual, but in the end, the hipsters graduate to yuppies because Mommy and Daddy won't foot the bill forever while the hipster tries life as a barista with a psychology degree. By this time, most of the original residents have moved out due to necessity. They are scattered to the wind, still poor, just now elsewhere. Fuck hipsters.
Back to what I was saying.
Iraq has been in a state of war since 2003. That's 13 years. That's 13 fucked-up years of bombing, shooting, attacks, casualties, desolation, and the like. I was in 8th grade when it started. I am 27 now. Let's not even touch on Afghanistan... that's a little too depressing. Libya too. Ugh...
Remember: people can be/ are manipulated along trivial lines such as denomination, sect, ethnic group, race, skin color, religion, etc. It totally bullshit despite any "history" that "proves" these distinctions. The purpose is always to distract in order to extract. It's always a scheme used by those that want to take what others have. "Divide and Rule."
So, that is what it is like in those countries, but it also galvanizes those abroad. Misled imams (many with ties to Saudi) focus on the few incidents of Shi'a-on-Sunni violence, and this stirs the community. Then, there may be a slight surge in Da'ish recruits, but it won't help. After they leave basic training (what do you think the CIA is doing in Syria? Who do you think they are training?), they are facing the most battle-hardened, experienced troops in the world (that's what you get when you are constantly at war). Da'ish is on the course for total annihilation.
Saudi knows this, so the execution of Sheikh Nimr serves as a political maneuver towards Iran. They want to preoccupy Iran with further conflict. Unlike the Gulf States, Iran will not bow in servitude to Western interests. Is Iran perfect? God no, but last I checked most countries in the West don't exactly have a sterling human rights record either, and keep in mind, these Western countries don't have sanctions on them nor do they have other governments actively engaged in overthrowing them (that leas to a lot of internal restrictions, believe it or not). As a country that has existed in its modern form since 1979, it is doing phenomenally well, despite continuous attempts of sabotage. In a perfect world, Iran would be 100% free, as would Syria, but it is a luxury they cannot afford due to consistent external meddling in internal affairs. This makes the political situations within these countries understandable. Democracy or not, the West will find a leader that will bow to its interests (ex: Guatemala, Iran, Chile, Congo, Ukraine, etc.).
Patrice Lumumba (Congo)
Jacobo Arbenz (Guatemala)
Salvador Allende (Chile)
Mohammed Mossadegh (Iran)
Viktor Yanukovych (Ukraine)
Since Iran's refusal to submit to Western interests in order for Iran to pursue its own prosperity is terrifying for the West (at least for its financial overlords). That's why it is so demonized in our media (coincidentally owned by corporate interests). *cough* Yellow *cough* Journalism *cough*. Sorry about that. There was propaganda stuck in my throat. "Oh no! Iran wants nuclear power! They might make bombs!" Really? Do we have nuclear bombs? Does Israel have nuclear bombs? India? Pakistan? Oh, go fucking figure, they do. And who has dropped atomic bombs (not one, but two) on civilian populations? Oh, America. So why should America dictate who can have nuclear energy? Especially when the nation is question is surrounded by countries with nuclear capabilities.
Why should America have nukes? It has proven that it would use them against civilians. Isn't that the test for whether or not should have them? America failed the test. It shouldn't have them. It's like letting a mass shooter have an AK-47 after he gets out of prison. Should anyone really have a nuclear arsenal? No. No one needs to have a nuclear arsenal. It is just fucking insane.
Iran isn't just refusing to cooperate with the financial overlords though. It is setting an example for the Third World. It is showing how a country can be independent from the West, especially countries with oil... countries like Saudi Arabia, Qatar, UAE, Kuwait, and Bahrain. The governments of these nations will always be loyal to the West, but the people... well, the Shah of Iran was loyal to the West too, and look what happened to him.
Anyway, that's enough outta me. For my brother and sisters in the struggle, don't give up.