25 February 2016

Still alive... Just been lazy

After much pressure and harassment, I'm back. Apparently, people like reading this. So, this goes out to the people who like my ramblings.

So, today, I'm going to discuss feminism. Now, here are a few things I'd like to say before I start on my... critique?... analysis?... talking-out-my-ass? One of those.

First and foremost, I am a feminist. I believe women are equal to men. Plain and simple. Also, I believe that the system in most countries favors men over women. I don't like that shit. I don't like that shit at all. I believe women should be able to do whatever they like, and there shouldn't be any double standards. Now, I am NOT saying women are men. I am not saying that at all. I don't have sexual relations with men; not that there is anything wrong with sexual relations with men, but men kinda kill my boner.

Now that that's all out of the way, let's go piece by piece, subject by subject, something by something else. Feminism is not one giant unchanging concept. Weird, right? It has a lot of manifestations. My biggest problem is with Western Feminism. This is the sort that is the sort that is championed by middle to upper class white women. You see a lot of this kind of feminism on Tumblr. We also call it Tumblr Feminism. Anyway, moving on.

So, where to start... where to start. Well, let's start with clothes. Simple, right? 

Behold the results for "Hipster Girl Outfit"
Now, I don't support cat-calling. Actually, I'm sort of conflicted on this one. There's the joking cat-calling old men do that is really just innocent fun because they have lost all sense of shame because they are so old. Old Puerto Rican guys do this, and it's sort of an ongoing joke through the generations. It's like an old woman flirting with a young man. Sure, it's a bit uncomfortable, but as long as it's playful, there's no harm. The cat-calling I don't like is the aggressive kind. You know, the kind that leads to a guy following a girl a couple of blocks. What does this have to do with clothes? Not a lot, I just kinda got ahead of myself. Back to clothes... TOO LATE TO EDIT!
So, the picture above. If a woman wears that and she gets attention from men/ aggressive lesbians, I understand why. This was the uniform in Brooklyn. EVERY FUCKIN' GIRL WORE THIS. Now, I'm not saying she deserves any sexual attention. Her intentions may not be to draw that sort of attention to her, but here's the deal... We live in THIS world, not some alternate utopian reality. We all have to operate in our environments. If I were to show a little cock cleavage... That's where you sag your pants while not wearing underwear and show a little dick neck, I would most likely be a) arrested b) not allowed within 1000 ft of a school and c) hit on by gay men. Let's focus on result c. I may want to wear my dick cleavage pants, but the reality of it is that I live in a world where dick cleavage gets gay male attention.

That isn't my biggest problem with the Hipstress's outfit. During what time of year would anyone wear that. A long, plaid shirt and super-short, high-wasted, jean shorts? With boots... WITH FUCKIN' BOOTS! It isn't for summer in any place I know of. You'd be sweating your ass off. It isn't winter because you'd be freezing your ass off. WHEN WOULD YOU WEAR SUCH AN ABSURD OUTFIT?!
Then, there is the issue of practicality. Those shorts don't cover shit, almost literally. If that girl bends over to pick up something, you'd be able to see her asshole. HER LITERAL ASSHOLE. Then, these things are high-waisted. Bending over would be horrible. Your guts would be smushed. Jeans are not known for their flexibility nor are they known for being breathable. Swamp ass, anyone? Everywhere you sit will be a slug trail of sweat. It can't protect your skin from any surface you plop your ass on. I sure hope that car she's sitting on is room temperature because if it isn't... well, you know. So, why would anyone wear these? WHO WOULD MAKE SUCH REVEALING AND IMPRACTICAL CLOTHING?
Men. Men would. 
Does that sting? 
I get it, you want to wear what you want to wear, but everything you want to wear is what's "in fashion." Do you want to know what's more practical than super-short, high-wasted, unbreathable jean shorts? A mid-to-long flowing skirt made of linen or cotton. Plus, it doesn't overtly sexualize the wearer. It allows a breeze, it's practical, it covers what needs to be covered, it's easy to maneuver in, and it protects your skin from the elements.  

You know... skirts like these. 
Let's move onto cleavage. Yes, yes... boobs. Sweet amazing beeeeeeeewbs. Why do you need to have them out? Again, is it practical to wear something that hoists up those bad boys and have them on display. Do you wanna know who has traditionally designed clothes that accentuate the breasts? Men. Are you seeing a pattern? Every part of fashion that really sexualizes women has been created by men.
Push-up bra? Men

Mini-skirt? Men

High-heels? Men

Bikini? Men

So, explain to me how being a slave to fashion empowers women? How does choosing fashion over practicality empower anyone but the patriarchy?

It's different here in Turkey. Women aren't shy about their intentions for fashion choices. It's because it's in style right now, or they think men like it. You may scoff at their "simpleness," but American and other Western women are just better at lying to themselves when they follow fashion trends. Often, the response I've gotten is that they want to wear what they want to wear; it isn't to attract men. Fair enough. But why is it that you want to wear THAT? "I think it's cute" is shallow and irrelevant answer. How are you supposed to empower yourself if you refuse to be self-critical. Essentially, you stole the cause of feminism and turned it into "I WANNA DO WHAT I WANNA DO!" It's like a teenage girl who gets upset because her father won't let her leave the house wearing whatever all the cool kids are wearing. As much as men sexualize and objectify women, lots of women's clothes are designed to sexualize the wearer.

Look, men do it too. I recently bought a new outfit. The only reason is because I am interested in the opposite sex. Is it practical? Meh. Is it comfortable? Not really, but the jeans are lovely I must say. Never thought I'd say that, but the jeans are comfy. Anyway, as much as I'd love to wait for a girl who looks past my disheveled appearance and sees me for the bright sparkling ball of bat shit hilarious insanity that I am, I can't. The world doesn't work that way. The only girls that are willing to do that are usually ones with low standards and issues because, sorry guys, people go off of observation and appearance. I can fight this system of reality, but I'll end up empty-handed every time and that isn't what I want.

Plus, the jeans were mad fuckin' cheap.

I'm not going to start on make-up. If you want to wear make-up, fuckin wear make-up. 

You go girl... you go
Now, onto sex. This irritates me. I admit, I make inappropriate jokes from time to time... those times are usually separated by mere milliseconds. But here's the thing. There are unwanted sexual advances and jokes. One should be met with disgust and the other should be taken in stride. Now, I'm not saying all sex jokes are permissible. If I don't know someone, I won't make them. I'm not perfect at this though. I can only say that mine are never done maliciously. Anyway, what I don't understand is this hostility toward all sex jokes. Sometimes, I just sit there in awe and wonder "does this person not know what sex is?" I mean, we all have it. There isn't anything inherently shameful about it. We all look at people we don't know, and occasionally think, "I totally want to have sex with them." It's part of being human. If I jokingly say, "Oh my god, I would love it if that chick over there sat on my face" or "Yeah, I'd lick her butt," understand that I would never in a million years say that to her. I'm just trying to entertain you with my vulgar and absurd antics. Hell, I don't actually want her to sit on my face, only after taking a decent shower to wash off a day's worth of crotch sweat and shit stains. Yeah, women sweat and shit. Acknowledging that aloud isn't disgusting; what's disgusting about humanizing someone else? You'd rather I think that women are these pristine objects that stay in their original packaging until I cast it aside as I mount them? What are you, a child? Are you suggesting that I shouldn't want to have sex with people I don't know? Isn't that a little ridiculous? Are you advocating incest or celibacy? Why do you hate sex?
This is my biggest problem with this brand of feminism. Why is there so much contradiction when it comes to sex?! FUCKING PICK A GODDAMN SIDE AND STICK WITH IT! Have a coherent argument! ANYTHING! They want to have sex when they want to have sex (which is fine, you do you boo), but refuse to stand alongside their sisters who work in the sex industry. You wanna know which industry needs feminism the most? The sex industry. Call girls, escorts, cam girls, porn actresses, strippers, etc. Women that men are not above using their services, but God forbid they want to be treated as human beings. There is this consistent making them the victim among these sorts of feminists. "Who would debase themselves to work in the sex industry? They must have issues." Maybe, they like sex... you know... like all of us. Why should it be a shameful thing? Why do you assume that they are somehow damaged? When was the last time you did a massive study on sex workers and came to the conclusion that they have daddy issues? Oh, you didn't? Well, maybe you should take a hearty sip from a glass of "Shut the Fuck Up." 

Men inherently sexualize women. I'm sorry, but it's in our biology. Don't believe me? 

Now, I don't like that fact about me (as a man), but the only way I can combat that is being aware of what my brain naturally does. Women who decide to embrace and profit from men's constant sexualizing are not inherently broken or subservient to men. There is money to be had, and they are adhering to that demand... Woo, economics! Computers are a big thing right now: if I pursue a career in IT, does that mean I subservient to computers or are there any judgements on my character? No, because that would be stupid. Most of the women in the sex industry are just normal women... the others are reptilian Illuminati shapeshifters. Why has this brand of feminism neglected this issue? Instead, they want to talk about how empowering Nikki Minaj and Miley Cyrus and Iggy Azaela are. First, no... no, they are not. They are manufactured pop icons that support the status quo. It's not even original anymore. We've already done all this shit! It isn't edgy. It isn't empowering. It's just the same manufactured shit. Nikki Minaj is just a millenial Lil' Kim with much less talent. Lil' Kim and others before her proved that women were more than just sexualized objects in hip-hop, that they too could sexualize and be in power. That's from back in the day though when it was gangsta rap, and that perspective was needed. Now, rap is little more than a multitude of scenarios in a club. How is this a perspective that rap needs? What about intelligent, conscious, female hip-hop? Especially given all the issues revolving around the black community. Minstrel shit isn't speaking to that. Where's a female Kendrick Lamar? 


Just putting these three random picture here... nothing to see here
People really got to stop trying to make something outta "pop fodder." You really think the powers-that-be are going to put out an empowering, female voice? No. No, they are not. They want you to keep buying shit. Now, my critique of feminism is only limited to modern Western feminism. My womanists, keep strong. My third-world feminists, keep strong. My true feminists, keep strong. If any of this shit offended you, it's cool. You can't question your position if you're comfortable. PEACE!

05 February 2016

About Bulgaria...

Yeah, so I didn't go to Bulgaria. Long story. Well... I mean, not really... my branch (of the school I work for... not a literal branch from a tree) was bought, and so the new owner will handle my residence stuff. I'm not worried...

"You've just won a trip to America!"

Hopefully, you guys are smart enough to figure out what I'm hinting at about my current circumstances. Again, I'm not stressed. I just don't want to put it in writing... on the internet... for the world.
So, in order for me to get my ADHD medicine here, I gotta go see a psychologist. At first, I thought it was just a very talkative psychiatrist... then, I realized I was in a therapy session. That's always awkward. And here I was thinking my psychiatrist had the hots for me... Kinda makes the whole "whipping out my penis" thing a little inappropriate. Lucky for me, I haven't learned the word for "sorry" in Turkish, and I never will. LON DON'T APOLOGIZE FOR SHIT!

I'm happy this exists

Anyway, so she (the psychologist) asks me how it would feel if I had to go back to the US. Immediately, I knew how it would feel. It would feel as if I were going back to prison. My students don't understand it. They know America from the movies. I tell them that even I ask myself when watching those films "Holy shit! Where is that?" They don't understand why I don't want to go back. Shit, why would I? If moving back is like going back to prison, why the fuck would I want to visit prison after living there. Even in prison, you have friends and family, but it doesn't mean you want to go there. I will just wait for them to get out if they ever do.
Some of you may not understand how the US is like prison. Why isn't it the greatest country to grace the face of the earth? No. No, it is not. Not now. Not then. Not ever. NEVER. I can't stress that enough. My students are baffled by some of the stuff I tell them. They are appalled by our healthcare system. Even with Obamacare. Matter of fact, I don't even live in the country, and I have to purchase health insurance or pay a $600-something fine. For me, even the cheapest option is more than $600 a year. Furthermore, that cheap option doesn't really cover anything. I pay for health insurance just so I don't get a $600 fine. Sorry, but fuck that.

You see, here, you can buy health insurance and go to a nice hospital, but there is also other options. Government hospitals are cheap and accessible. Oh, and using the ambulance is also very cheap, if not free. My students look at me horrified when I tell them about friends of mine who had a heart attack and drove themselves to the hospital because they couldn't afford the ambulance bill. Or my other friend who broke his wrist playing high school football and had to "fix it" himself because his family was too broke for a hospital. Their logical question is whether or not these individuals American citizens, as if this would make it excusable. Of course they are citizens, but it's America. Shit costs money.

Then, there's the trash. Here, the city picks it up. You pay taxes, so the city picks it up. Easy, right? In America (at least where I was), you gotta pay a company to pick it up. Then, why the fuck do I pay taxes to my city? What the fuck are they doing with the money? 

Oh... a new stadium... how could I forget

Then, comes the cost of education. Fuck, just the cost of existing. What's the American Dream? Go to college, get a car, buy a house, and raise a family. Funny how all those things will land your ass in hundreds of thousands of dollars in debt. You will work and work until you die, and hopefully, you will never lose your job. Sure, the bank won't take your shit at first, but interest is still a bitch. I never want to be in debt ever again. Right now, I've got $40,000 or so. That shit is building interest. Don't get me wrong, I'm going to pay it, but I ain't going to be living in America as I do. Everything is stacked against you. With a few exceptions, public transportation is a joke (so you need a car). Most places in America are more pro-business than pro-worker, so good luck with the whole work thing. As stated before, the government doesn't provide citizens with shit. Oh, I mean, there's welfare... but all welfare does is allow you to survive, and you are constantly shamed by your fellow citizens for being on it. Nope, I'll stay abroad.
My question is what's next for all of you? The rat race is nice and all, but then what? Shit isn't getting any better. Sure, we got Sanders in the race, but that doesn't change Congress. My advice: jump ship before it sinks, and work like hell to get your loved ones out. 

On a more positive note, I downloaded Bioshock on my computer. Awesome! YAY!